A while back, sometime in 2018 to be even less precise, 'In Caravans' recorded their debut EP at the studio. It's hard to pin a genre on them. There's shoegaze, alternative, regular rock, indie, even a bit of the grunge - which is a horrible genre-term though.
They all came from different bands before and had brought in a mix of different musical genres they were mixing up. They came in with loads of good energi, eager to throw things into the air and see how it all fell into place.
There was a lot of shoegaze love, they liked the raw sound of a lot of the productions we have done at the studio and they had a knack for good melodies.
We ended up tossing a few songs and deciding on 2 singles being released ahead of the full EP. The first one came out recently and has been pulling lots of good reviews, also being a more hook-based song with a dreamy and repetitive chorus and guitar-theme that will stay with you.
Courier was a different tune, it had a different energy and wanted a different life.
I can't exactly recall how much we ended up changing around, we also did have limited time for the recording session, so we couldn't get fully lost. But we did go for a more aggressive and raw sound on the productions. More reverb, more no looking back.
One thing that sticks out was that the chorus was different and I had recently read an article that told the story of how the Bachman-Turner Overdrive song 'Ain't Seen Nothing Yet' was originally different but they had made a 'tease' version of the track in the studio to Randy Bachmans' brother Gary who had a speech impediment.
When the record label heard the album they didn't think it had any hits on hit - somehow they ended up hearing the tease-version of 'Ain't Seen Nothing Yet' and they loved it - put it out and it became a hit.
I loved the story and in the back of my head I was always waiting for the time to be able to add a stutter chorus to a track - Courier presented that moment and here we are.
I hope you enjoy it, the band is a wonderful group of guys and this article by Arlette is a sweet read.
Have a nice week,
Danish Version below
Tilbage, engang i 2018 for at være endnu mindre præcis, kom 'In Caravans' et smut forbi Tapetown for at indspille deres debut EP i studiet. Det er svært at sætte én musik genre på dem, og indspilningerne viser også meget godt at de er et band som kan lidt forskelligt.
Alle musikere i bandet kom fra forskellige bands før og medbragte en blanding af forskellige musikalske genrer. De kom ind med masser af god energi og var friske på at lade sangene ville lidt forskelligt.
Der var meget kærlighed til shoegaze-genren, de kunne godt lide den rå lyd af mange af de produktioner vi før har lavet i studiet, og de var samtidig ret fokuseret på de gode melodier.
Vi endte med en del forskellige sange og besluttede at 2 singler skulle udgives forud for den fulde EP. Den første kom ud for nylig og har trukket masser af gode anmeldelser.
Courier var den næste sang, den havde en anden energi og ønskede et andet liv.
Jeg kan ikke helt huske, hvor meget vi endte med at skifte rundt - vi havde også begrænset tid i studiet mens vi indspillede, så vi kunne ikke bruge forever. Vi gik efter en mere aggressiv og rå lyd på produktionen. Mere rumklang, mere fremad.